Just For You, Sir (Doms of Decadence) Page 12
“Is she okay? Is she getting plenty of rest?”
“Sheesh, Roarke, you’re as bad as these two. Don’t go giving Brax any more ammunition. He’s already trying to put me to bed every two minutes. I’m perfectly fine.”
“Has the morning sickness stopped?” Ava asked, placing her hand on Holly’s arm with concern.
Holly blew out a breath. “I wish it was just morning sickness. It goes on all day. But at least I seem to have stopped throwing up. How about you, Jacey? Please tell me the morning sickness gets better as you get further along.”
Everyone’s attention turned to her and Jacey resisted the urge to run and hide.
“I was actually pretty lucky,” she replied. “I only had a few weeks of feeling sick.”
“I think dinner is nearly ready,” Derrick interjected. “Why don’t we move into the dining room and I’ll make the necessary introductions.”
The dining room was rather grand with a large, oak table dominating the space. Beautiful artworks adorned the walls and an amazing chandelier sat over the table.
Derrick held out the chair to his right and helped her sit.
“Roarke, Sam and Ava, this is Jacey. Jacey, next to you is Roarke.” The dark-haired man nodded to her. “Beside him is Ava.” The petite woman sent her a friendly smile. “And last but not least is Sam.”
“Hiya, sweetheart,” Sam said. “So you’re preggers as well?”
“Sam!” Ava scolded, whacking his arm. “I’m sorry, Jacey. You get used to him after a while.”
“He grows on you,” Roarke commented.
“Rather like an annoying kid brother you can’t get rid of,” Holly added.
“My heart is breaking,” Sam said playfully, placing a hand over his heart as he slumped in his chair. “See the abuse I have to put up with, Jacey? I don’t know why I’m friends with these people.”
“Because no one else would have you,” Holly told him with a grin.
Everyone chuckled as Sam shook his head, a wounded look on his face. Just like that the ice was broken and conversation continued. Jacey soon found herself relaxing.
After dinner, she was feeling tired but happy. The men wandered outside to have a cigar. The women moved into the living room.
“So are you and Brax in the city for long, Holly?” Ava asked as they all sat.
Holly shook her head. “We have to go back Sunday night. We mainly came to see Derrick. Brax and I have some things to do tomorrow. But I also need to do a bit of shopping. My boobs are spilling out of all my bras and I need some bigger clothes.” She sighed.
So did Jacey. She’d taken to wearing Derrick’s t-shirts because they were loose and comfortable but her jeans were getting tight and uncomfortable.
“I’ll come with you and help. We can make a girls day of it. Jacey, you’ll come too, won’t you?”
“Umm, well, I’m not sure. Derrick might−”
“Oh, Derrick won’t mind if you come along with us,” Ava said with a wave of her hand. “I’ll have Roarke’s driver, Max, take us. That way the men can’t complain about the two of you wearing yourselves out. I’ll book us in for massages, manicures and facials. It will be great.”
“Can you get us appointments at such short notice?” Jacey asked.
“Oh, no problem, I’ll get Sam to book us. He can charm anyone into anything.”
Of that Jacey had no doubt.
Ava clapped her hands. “It’s settled then. I’ll pick you both up at 10 a.m. This is going to be fun.”
“So long as I don’t puke up all over the masseuse’s feet,” Holly said dryly.
“Well, that went well,” Derrick said as he pulled the blankets back from the bed.
“Your friends are really nice.” She actually meant it. She’d been surprised by how much she’d enjoyed herself in their company.
“Did you get on all right with Holly and Ava?” he asked as he climbed onto the bed. Jacey lay down next to him. “I know Holly can be overprotective of me, I’ll have a chat with her if she’s giving you a hard time.”
“No,” she said quickly. “No, it’s okay. I understand why she feels like she does. Besides, I think we’re okay. Actually, Ava and Holly asked me to go shopping with them on Saturday.”
Well, Ava had asked, but Holly hadn’t seemed to hate the idea. She’d never really had friends, just a few when she was a child, but they’d drifted apart, and she was a bit jealous of the close relationship between Derrick and his friends.
“Of course, I have to say no. I’ll think of an excuse tomorrow.”
“Why would you have to say no?” he asked, rolling onto his side and leaning up on one elbow so he could stare down at her as she lay on her back.
“Ah, well, I’d just be intruding,” she said, feeling at a distinct disadvantage with him looming over her.
“Jacey,” he warned.
She sighed. “Must you know my every thought?”
“No. But the one’s that upset or worry you are something I’d like to know about.”
She glanced away, feeling frustrated with him.
“Derrick, you keep insisting that I talk to you, but you’ve totally shut down on me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve been acting differently since our argument the other day. It’s like there’s this gap between us and I can’t cross it. Even when we make love it’s not the same.”
He sighed and pulled her close, lying on his back with her head against his chest. “I’m sorry, you’re right. Hard as it is for me to admit this, I’m hurt by the fact that you think I can’t protect you.”
“Derrick, that’s not it at all.” Tears of frustration welled in her eyes and she buried her face against him. “I just…I can’t…”
“Shh.” He grabbed the back of her neck, squeezing it gently.
“I know you’ll protect us. But I can’t risk it. I can’t risk you, Derrick.”
“It’s okay, baby. I know. Calm down. You’re supposed to stay calm and relaxed for the baby.”
She snorted. “Like that’s possible.”
“I know this is hard for you and I haven’t been making it any easier. I will stop pressuring you about your ex.”
“Thank you.”
“You know, I think a day out with the girls will do you a world of good.”
“They want to go for massages and things, though, and I…” she trailed off.
“You don’t like massages?”
“It’s not that. It’s just they’re expensive and I really shouldn’t use my money on frivolous things.”
Derrick sighed. “Didn’t I give you a credit card the other day?”
He had. She hadn’t wanted to take it, but he’d insisted.
“That’s for emergencies.”
“No, it’s not. Jacey, I’m getting mighty tired of having this conversation with you.”
“I don’t want to take advantage of you. Holly is already half convinced I’m with you for your money. What would happen if she found out−hmm-mmm,” she murmured as his mouth took hers.
“Enough,” he told her in a low voice. “Holly doesn’t run my life. If I hear just one more word about you not using my money I’m going to take you over my knee.”
“But I feel that−Derrick!” she squealed, as he sat and pulled her over his lap.
“I warned you, Jacey.” He shoved her nightie up.
“Derrick, let me go.”
He drew her panties down her legs.
“Are you scared?” he asked.
“No. But you have to let me go. This is crazy. You need to listen to me.”
“I have listened to you. You’re the one not listening to me.”
He adjusted her over his knee. “Let me get a pillow for your stomach.” With less effort than she would have thought possible, he sat her up, placed a pillow across his knees, then laid her back down over his lap.
“Are you uncomfortable?”
“Yes, I’m uncomfortable!” Duh. “You have me over your knee with my bare ass waving in the wind.”
“There’s no wind in here and your ass is definitely not waving around,” he told her with amusement.
“I thought you weren’t going to spank me until I said I was ready.”
“You’re ready, though, aren’t you, Jacey? You’ve been teasing me about this for a long time. Time to pay up. Now, this can all end once you tell me that you’re going to stop putting up a fuss about using my money. I want you to go on Saturday, have a good time and spend as much money as you desire.”
Ow, that stung. Her right butt cheek immediately flamed.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
He alternated between cheeks until her bottom burned.
“Ready to change your mind?” he asked her, rubbing the heat into her skin and the heat he’d created started to spread throughout her body. Shockingly, her clit started to throb.
“No,” she gritted out.
“Very well.”
He pushed her legs apart, smacking his hand down on the inside of each thigh. Jacey let out a low moan. He briskly smacked the top of each thigh four times before moving his hand lower and cupping her mound.
“Why, baby, you’re wet,” he said in a low voice, using his fingers to part her labia he thrust his middle finger deep inside her.
“Oh, oh,” she cried out, thrusting her hips up.
“Did I tell you that you could move?” he asked. “That’s going to cost you.” He withdrew his finger to smack his hand down on her bottom again. “Naughty girl.”
“I’m sorry!” she cried out. “Please, Derrick.”
“Please what?” he asked.
“Touch me. Touch my clit. Make me come.”
He paused to rub her butt cheeks again. “I haven’t heard what I need to stop this, yet.”
Jacey groaned. “Fine, you win. I’ll spend your money. You might regret saying that, though.”
He chuckled. “I trust you. I worked long and hard to build up enough money to take care of my family, to keep them safe and now you are refusing all I have to offer you.”
She couldn’t believe he thought that.
“Derrick, that’s not true. I don’t care about your money. I care about you. I want you.”
“I am the type of person who needs to be needed, Jacey. I need to know that you’ll turn to me for what you need. For protection, for safety, for everything.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “I do know that. I just need to protect you as well.”
He snorted. “You don’t need to worry about me, beautiful. I plan on being around for a very long time and for many more spankings to come.”
“Derrick!” Jacey tried to sit up, but he held her down.
“Did I say you could move?” His voice held a disapproving note and she immediately lay back down.
“Seems that you need a small lesson in obedience. I’m going to play a bit and you’re going to lie very still. You may not talk. Place your arms out in front of you. That’s right. Bring your legs up so you’re on your knees and the pressure is off your stomach. Excellent. I expect you to keep that position. Remember what I said, no talking and lie still. Else the next spanking you get might not be quite so fun.”
Jacey let out a whimper but stayed where she was. She knew he wouldn’t truly harm her. But he sure could sound menacing when he wanted to.
He ran his hand down her back. “What’s your safe word, Jacey?”
She remained quiet.
“That wasn’t a trick question, baby. If I ask you a direct question you can speak.”
“Oh, umm, pink.”
“If at any time you feel uncomfortable or scared or you just want a break from anything I expect you to say your safe word, understand? Safe words aren’t just about pain.”
“Yes, Sir,” she said.
He paused from where he was massaging her butt cheeks but then he continued down to her thighs.
“Part your legs for me, beautiful.”
Jacey moved her knees farther apart. Derrick slid out from under her, kneeling beside her instead. He ran his hand down the slit of her buttocks before pressing his thumb against her asshole.
Jacey bit back her protest.
He dropped his fingers down to her pussy, running them through her slick lips.
“I love how wet you are. Nothing turns me on more than knowing how aroused you get when I touch you. Now, remember what I said about remaining still.”
He moved to the side of the bed and she heard a drawer open. They’d both been tested and came back clean, so he wasn’t searching for a condom. What was he doing? There was a soft squirting then he pushed her butt cheeks apart. Jacey clenched.
“Are you using your safe word, Jacey?” he asked.
“No, Sir,” she replied.
“Then relax for me, beautiful. I’m just going to play a little. I promise there won’t be any pain.”
Jacey forced herself to relax. He rewarded her with a soft kiss on each butt cheek. He placed a dab of lube on her asshole.
“Just relax. Let me in.” He pushed one finger against her tight hole as Jacey concentrated on keeping herself as relaxed as possible. He pressed it past the tight muscle of her sphincter until it was fully lodged inside her.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Easy for him to say, he wasn’t the one with a finger lodged in his butt.
“I think your good behavior deserves a little reward.”
As Derrick drove his finger in and out of her asshole, he moved his free hand down to her mound. He pinched her clit lightly between his fingers then rubbed it with the tip of his middle finger.
Jacey groaned, her whole body shaking as she fought to stay in place.
Her breath coming faster, Jacey felt her whole body coil, growing tighter and tighter.
“Come for me, baby. Come on, let go now.”
With a low scream, Jacey came, her asshole clenching down on his thick finger as she shook.
The bed moved as Derrick repositioned himself. Somehow he managed to keep his finger in her ass as he thrust his cock inside her pussy. She whimpered at the feel of him filling her up. Having him inside her without a condom was a whole different experience. He returned his finger to her clit, flicking it steadily and Jacey knew it wasn’t going to take much for her to come again.
“Christ, you feel so good. As soon as I feel your silken passage surrounding me I want to blow my load like a randy teenager. When I come I want you with me.”
She grinned at that, clenching her passage around him.
“Damn it,” he cried as he drove into her twice more then came. As he did, he lightly pinched her clit and Jacey flew over the edge, losing all of her sanity as she shook and moaned with delight.
Ten minutes later, after they’d cleaned themselves up, Jacey lay on her side, groaning as Derrick suckled on her nipples.
“Hmm, I think I’ve found my new favorite sleeping position,” he told her.
“You can’t sleep like this,” she protested.
“I guess you’re right. Put your leg up on my hip,” he demanded. She raised her leg up and he thrust two fingers into her pussy.
“Ahh, now I can sleep like this.” He went back to sucking on her nipple.
“Derrick! I can’t sleep like this.” Had he gone insane?
He circled her clit with his thumb as the tips of his fingers flicked that special spot inside her.
“Derrick, no!” she cried, stilling when he growled at her. He pulled his hand from her pussy to give her two sharp pops on her ass.
“Stay still.”
Her ass was still tender from his earlier play and those two pops had just reignited the heat. So she made no complaints as he returned his fingers to her wet passage. He flicked her clit steadily, his tongue lapping at each nipple in turns.
Her orgasm built slowly, languidly. But as momentum grew, her pulse rate sped up and she let out a long, low cry of need.
“Derrick, oh God.”
Release washed over her, long and slow waves that made her smile with delight. Just when she thought it was ending, another wave would hit her, by the time it finished, she was exhausted and panting.
“Now, you can sleep,” he told her. He cupped her mound, his fingers still buried inside her as his mouth found her nipple once more.
Jacey sighed and closed her eyes. Surprisingly, she slept deeply the whole night.
Chapter Fourteen
Jacey felt like a new woman as she stepped out of the spa. For the first time in months, she was almost completely relaxed.
“Oh my God, I feel amazing,” Holly said. “And I didn’t even puke on the manicurist.”
Ava giggled and put her arms around the other women’s waists. “Well, that is definitely something to celebrate. What say we go grab lunch and some virgin cocktails and then we can hit the shops?”
“Whatever you say,” Jacey said. “I can’t think, my brain is mush...”
“I’m with you there,” Holly said as they walked over to where Ava’s driver, Max was waiting for them patiently.
As they drove off, Ava’s phone beeped.
“It’ll be Roarke,” she said as she dug it out of her handbag.
“Checking up on you?” Holly asked as she reached for her phone when it beeped.
“Yep,” Ava replied with a giggle. “Is that Brax?”
“Yep. What trouble do they think we’re going to get in to at a spa?”
“Last time we went out we ended up in a bar brawl.”
“That was different,” Holly said. “I wasn’t pregnant then.”
Jacey smiled at their words, wishing she had such a close friend.
It was a silly thought but she couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous that Derrick wasn’t checking up on her.
Just then her phone beeped and she pulled it out of her pocket to see a message from Derrick.
Everything ok?
All good. On way 2 lunch
B good.
She grinned.
“Derrick?” Holly asked as Jacey put her phone back in her pocket.
Jacey nodded. “He’s a bit overprotective.”